Will Klaus Appear in Legacies? Joseph Morgan Answers!

Piper interviewing Joseph Morgan at Universal Hollywood’s Halloween Horror Nights!

This is my interview with “Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals” star Joseph Morgan where I ask him if Klaus will be in “Legacies” and if he watches “Legacies”! YES, we ALL want Klaus in Legacies!

Joseph is an extremely talented actor who portrays a Vampire-Werewolf hybrid on screen. He’s also one of the original vampires! That means, in Vampire diaries world, no one would be a vampire without him and his siblings. I definitely had to ask him about any possible appearances on legacies… no matter what he says, I HOPE they’ll find a way to bring him back. ? Hope y’all like it! ?Piper
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Piper Reese (imdb) (host) is a high-energy, real, down-2-Earth 19 year old actor, MPAA accredited show host, and GenZ / Millennial Internet personality. She’s conducted over 950 interviews with A-listers, producers, directors, studio execs, etc. Piper covers large scale events and on-set publicity for theme parks, corporations, and every major studio in Hollywood. As an actress, Piper is recognized from her recurring-turned-lead role on Nickelodeon/CiTV’s Deadtime Stories and multiple guest starring roles.

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2 Comments on “Will Klaus Appear in Legacies? Joseph Morgan Answers!”

  1. They should put Klaus in legacies, we love the story of Klaus and his daughter. with him he been a mad man,evil,and all around not a good person. Having his daughter is a new ball game and now he have something to live for and love and grow with his daughter I think he should return

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