When YOU want to be MORE than FRIENDS & How to Interview on YouTube | #InsPIPERation 001

HEY GUYS! It’s time to get #insPIPERation rolling! OK, if you didn’t catch the info on this from a few videos back, this is a new series…kind of expanding the old WhatUpPiper blog to make a show more about YOU! Your questions…your opinions…and you know…YOU!

If you send in a question, make sure you use the #insPIPERation hashtag and feel free to ask on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter…maybe even Musical.ly (we’re PipersPicksTV on all of those).

Let me know if you don’t want your link online…we’ll keep it on the DL!

#QOTD (Yeah…Question of the Day)…
Mocha tea…YES or NO?

00:17 ASHLYN
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmSNFBRKaE9RzLlOZEswUgQ
I have a huge crush on a guy and i get more nervous
to talk to him more than anyone….
Hi Ashlyn! I’ll talk more about this soon!
cool i need some advice because hes a good friend
of ours and i freak out every time he comes over i don’t
get that way over anyone else weird

01:12 BAILY
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxd4GXYAYjudB-YR0q2TOfg
That is so cool! I want to be a youtuber just like you! One who gets to interview people! Do you have any advice? How do you book the interviews?

Title: When YOU want to be MORE than FRIENDS & How to Interview on YouTube | #InsPIPERation 0011
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